
The features and benefits of taking membership of Glasgow Business Club are:

  • £215 for a 12 months rolling membership;
  • As a member, you are welcome to attend all of our scheduled meetings all with lunch, wine & coffee;
  • Unable to attend a meeting? – Please feel free to send someone else from your business in your place;
  • 1 Guest Pass to invite along a guest for lunch;
  • 20% discount on your next year’s subscriptions if you introduce a new member to the club and they are fully paid up;
  • Formal and informal networking opportunities;
  • Great venues and prestigious guest speakers;
  • Take the opportunity to use one of our ‘3-minute’ slots to promote your business,
    tell delegates what you do and what you can do for them;
  • A delegate list provided before every lunch meeting so that you know what businesses will be there;
  • Free listing on our website.

The Power of Networking & Setting Goals

Who do you want to meet and why? Your goal may be as broad as making new contacts in your industry or as specific as getting an introduction to one person you very much want to meet.

By having access to our Delegate List, you can look at who’s going to be there, and do some planning. You’ll appear to be, and actually will be, smarter.

The Business Club Board Members are there to assist you, by helping you to make introductions.

Join today

To apply online for membership simply fill in our application form.

For more info please contact our Club Secretary at

Supported and sponsored by

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Glasgow Business Club Members