Long-standing Glasgow Business Club member Grahame Anderson has released his third book, The Best Seat in the Universe.


Long-standing Glasgow Business Club member Grahame Anderson has released his third book, The Best Seat in the Universe. 

Most Glasgow Business Club members will know Grahame through his business Toltech who have been delivering websites and Internet Marketing services for 25 years – most likely the oldest web business in Scotland. However, this is a different angle from Grahame’s normal day to day but still relevant as many chapters of the book were written as the result of his business experiences.

Grahame is a Past President of Greenock Writers’ Club and currently holds the role of Vice-President of The Scottish Association of Writers.

The Best Seat in the Universe is most unusual as it is a self-development book but with a difference. Grahame didn’t want to write the usual format of 49 things to improve your life or 110 ways to change. He took a completely different approach writing a story based journey that will make the reader think about their own situation in life. 

The story starts at the bedside of a dying man, his grandson is with him holding his hand when suddenly the old man’s heart monitor flatlines and the young man is accidentally pulled into his death with him. They head towards the light but when they get there it isn’t choirs and warmth and a spiritual moment as the grandad had expected, they have in fact landed in a forest next to an old bus with its headlights on.

This is the start of their journey and an alternative look at life as they head off in the old bus in search of The Best Seat in the Universe.

The death in the book is symbolic of change as if we want to change whatever we are currently doing we have to end it so we can move on in a different direction. 

The bus is a metaphor to allow them to take the reader on a journey through all stages of life from understanding who we are, finding our direction, making decisions and understanding that failure is a large part of success. The old man and his grandson travel through areas (each a lesson) on friendship, family guilt, spirituality, being creative and importantly balance, acceptance and understanding how important each of us is in this world. They see first-hand pain, self-doubt and how indecision can freeze someone from going forward.

So far Grahame has had excellent feedback, good reviews and a lot of personal comments from his readers.

The Best Seat in the Universe – available of Amazon and all other online retailers after 3rd October.

Currently, the eBook is on an Amazon Countdown Deal until 12th September for only £0.99 when it will return to normal pricing of £5.99. Remember you do not need to have a Kindle to read a kindle book – you can read them on any browser.