Lunch with Derek Mackay MSP
Ibrox Suite, Ibrox, Glasgow
Tuesday 18th February 2019
Speech and Q&A Session
The Glasgow Business club was delighted to welcome Derek Mackay MSP and Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Economy and Fair Work to our February Lunch. Derek Mackay is a Scottish National Party politician and was elected Member of the Scottish Parliament for Renfrewshire North in May 2011. Derek Mackay discussed business support and issues in the economy as Scotland and the rest of the UK faces turbulent times of uncertainty. Additionally, Derek Mackay emphasised his focus on sustainable economic growth, explaining his proposed budget will deliver a sustained economy whilst investing in high quality education and understanding environmental impacts in Scotland.
Listen to and watch to his full speech
Q&A with Derek Mackay
Alison Marr, 23W Charted Accountants
Increased rates of income tax in Scotland
Derek MacMillan, CitizenM Glasgow
Tourist tax and financial support to increase Glasgow tourism
Stuart Lamont, Cornerstone Asset Management
“Once in a generation” definition
Stuart Lamont, Cornerstone Asset Management
Scottish Independence vote result
Derek Todd, Deaf Scotland
Improved communication and availability of communication support across the country
Louise Mooney, Linda Scott Associates
Taxation on red meat sales in the UK
Ronald Smith, Ronald H Smith & Co Ltd
Oil pricing
Ed Johnston, Coverall FA
Potholes on our roads
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